Why PhrenD™?

Hear from Our Founder,
Dr. Lauren Flaherty,
Neuropsychology Fellow and Researcher /
PhrenD™ Mobile App Creator.

Who Can PhrenD™ Help?

Anyone who suffers…or not…from Cognitive Impairment can benefit from the PhrenD™ Mobile App. Additionally, health care professionals, home health care professionals and most importantly adult children of those suffering from CI can utilize the information and mind excercises of the app to help track various stages of CI.

PhrenD™...Our Brand Story.

Dr. Lauren Flaherty, Neuropsychology Fellow and Researcher / PhrenD™ Mobile App Creator, is a second generation Greek immigrant. The Greek word for “brain” is “phren”. Being that the purpose of the “PhrenD” mobile app is to hopefully stop or alleviate the advance of cognitive impairment… to be a “friend” to the user…the PhrenD™ brand was born.

Additionally, capitalizing the “D” puts an emphasis on the medical or “doctor” relationship of the overall brand.

What Types of Cognitive Impairment Disorders Can PhrenD™ Help Track or Alleviate?

Cognitive Impairment disorders mainly include dementia, amnesia, and delirium. In these disorders, patients are no longer fully oriented to time and space. Depending on the cause, the diagnosis of a cognitive disorder may be temporary or progressive leading to more severe conditions such as alzheimer’s.

The PhrenD™ mobile app can be an effective tool to aid in tracking and assessing a CI condition and in some cases,arresting or reversing the disorder.

Based on a Biopsychosocial platform...as opposed to a Biomedical platform...the PhrenD™ Mobile App is custom designed to be an informative and user-friendly tool for friends, family and professionals.

Ease of navigation. By design. Now is the time to take control of Cognitive Impairment with the brain empowered PhrenD™ Mobile App.

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PhrenD™ is always looking for the latest in Cognitive Impairment information, treatment options and updates that are crucial to what you care about and should know. The PhrenD™ blog is your resource for what’s important and relevant in who you care about cognitive health and journey.
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